
Windows 7 (and the Chamber of Sekrits)

 s-WINDOWS-large.jpg picture by iisfrank

Just installed a fancy shiny new copy of Windows 7 on the old Dell Dimension 4600. I ran the System Rating application and got the popup back “Whut iz Pentium 4? U got2b joking. LoLzOrZzzzz!!1!~!!1(one)” Windows can be really mean sometimes.


In all I think I like it. It’s like Vista, except not a piece of shit. It’s like XP, only doesn’t run as smoothly on my old box. I’m also having issues with my legacy Sound Blaster Live card drivers. Actually it’s not the drivers I’m having trouble with, it’s the lack of ANY driver that’s the problem. So I have no sound. Good thing I chose to do a dual boot. I still can get back to my comfortable, snuggly XP. I like how XP is the emoticon for someone squinting and sticking its tongue out. 7 doesn’t do that.


Anyone out there also on Windows 7 now? (I wouldn’t say I’m ON 7, but I’m trying it out. I think I’ll actually be on it in another few months when I can afford a new desktop. Maybe Christmas.) That was a long aside. Seriously, if you guys are also using 7, let me know some cool tips. Like, how to not fuck it up.


Unrelated. Anyone like dinosaur comics?? Today’s was awesome. http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=1668

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