
The Tools for Success

I've been playing World of Warcraft a little more than normal lately. I think I've become obsessive again with the game and understanding the mechanics down to the core elements. I don't understand the math, and it's taking more time just thinking about HOW to build a character than it does actually playing the character.

Does building a greatly
twinked character help you succeed in playing that character well? I'm thinking not. I am thinking now that it is just a crutch to help players more accustomed to a certain style or "class" of character play another lower level character without totally killing themselves. Regardless, I'm trying my best to help out my new warrior get rare quality items to better play in battlegrounds.

I also started a little mage. I absolutely hated playing every mage I've ever tried because they cannot take any battle damage. I'm used to being mana cognizant playing my more battle friendly hunter, but I figured I might actually retrain myself to think about how to play a glass menagerie mage. I need to stop being so afraid of depleting all of my mana. I just have to be able to take the time between every mob to replenish. There really is no constant battle ability. Maybe as I get a little higher in my frost talent tree I'll find some talents that allow me to be a little more conservative.

I really need to stop thinking about this. I'm working on three characters simultaneously and it's getting hard to think of how to play each. Hunter, Warrior and Mage are all INCREDIBLY different and I need to focus on how to PLAY each and then worry about how to develop them.


Work Doesn't Work for Me

It's funny. I sit for about 8 hours, give or take 8, in a fabric enclosed cube. I usually have a set of headphones on and plenty of workspace. For every sense and purpose I am alone and have the ability to clearly focus on the tasks at hand. Yet it seems like I always find some way to distract myself. Usually it involves checking personal email to see if I got any new job offers or perusing the latest issue of HR information on the internet. Both of these activities do wonders in helping me to succeed in killing time, but how do they help me be productive in my current job?

I read an interesting article (I'll start posting links as soon as I stop ranting) that stated five great things to keep in mind to help you succeed in your professional life. All suggested cutting corners in your current work schedule to help keep your stress levels down, increase your creative thinking, and help arm yourself with productivity boosting vitality! But how do I use this vitality when I cannot keep my attention on one task? I don't remember always having an issue with concentration.

The work I do just doesn't seem to ask much of me so I don't give much in return. I'm paid an hourly contract sum, but have not had to prove my results. I work with professionals like me, but my boss does not always understand what we do or why. It's frustrating. Maybe I'm just crying too much.