

Considering the many ways a man can spend his Thursday evenings, a quick game of GTAIV could not be the worst. It's only been out for months now, and I just can't seem to get through the damn story. It probably doesn't help when I spend about an hour trying to ramp my motorcycle just right over a ford escort. Maybe I just miss waggling.

In other news, I guess
myspace hasn't totally crashed and burned in its own fires yet. It's always fun to romp through some old postings from my other late 20's friends that haven't logged on since somewhere around the middle of December. For me, the disinterest stems from the incredibly terrible load times, and broken web servers they continue to use! I must have found that an internal error occured about 3 times in my 15 minutes, and I was only able to see about 3 friend photos waiting on the pages to load! I'll never blame my precious new TP Link adapter. I mean what would be more compatible with my WRT54G than some generic basement computers store wireless usb device.

maybe the internet is broken. thanks for your help

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